
Pete and Beth live in Jefferson City, Tennessee.  We have four grown children.

Our family began the process of recovery in 2006.  Since then we have been on a journey that has taken us many places, some very wonderful places and some very dark places.

We like to refer to our journey as “Along the way…”.   Along the way…we have learned many lessons.  We have met many wonderful people who have invested in us and helped us to understand the processes of addiction and recovery.  We learned that Satan will take hurts and events in our lives and make us believe things about ourselves that are not true.  Most importantly, we learned who we are as children of God.

This has been a very long journey, one that is not over.  But as we continue to learn, we want to share what we have learned with others.  We also want to share the resources the Lord has provided to us.

When we first dreamed of starting a recovery community, we had no idea where or how to begin.  We sought God to provide the ideas and the ways to do this and as usual, He provided.

We continue to have those on their recovery journey in our home, but also have families in the community participating with us.  God has opened up an opportunity for Pete and others to have Celebrate Recovery in the local jail which is well attended and is bearing fruit.  God has also made us farmers, which gives us work opportunities for residents, provides some of the income necessary for the ministry, and provides locally grown, healthy food to the community.

We truly feel honored to be able to walk alongside people as they continue their process of recovery.